Chris Peacock, a visionary leader in the events industry, served as the Director at Conference Care. With over two decades of experience, he shaped the company’s success and reputation for delivering exceptional event experiences.

Known for his strategic thinking and a passion for seamless events, Chris led Conference Care to new heights, earning the trust of clients and partners alike. An advocate for sustainability, he pioneered eco-friendly practices, making Conference Care a beacon of ethical and sustainable business practices.

Chris fostered a culture of collaboration and creativity, attracting top talent. Actively involved in industry associations, he shared insights at conferences, contributing to the continuous evolution of event management practices.

As a leader, advocate for sustainability, and a contributor to the industry’s growth, Chris’s legacy endures as a testament to the positive impact one individual can have on an entire sector. Conference Care continues to carry forward his vision and values, ensuring that his legacy remains an integral part of the company’s identity.
