Industry Update: Virtual & Hybrid Events

September 28, 2020

Early closing for pubs, work from home if you want, cancellation of fans attending live sporting events. These increased restrictions all hint to it becoming more difficult to hold a physical meeting again, just at a time when enquiry levels had started to increase. The difference this time is that the Government is trying to keep the economy going whilst at the same time, control the pandemic.

Clearly, we all want a return to physical events, but this will only come when the Government believes it is safe to do so and of course, we are here and ready to support those enquiries.

But what to do in the meantime?

  • Cancel your event?
  • Use zoom or teams?
  • Go virtual?
  • Go hybrid?

Our advice is go virtual or hybrid. The events industry has always been seen as being creative problem solvers and now more than ever, this is so true. We have a range of solutions to support your event. We have experience in delivering virtual product launches, conferences, AGMs, and a variety of training programmes.

But, why should you hold a virtual or hybrid event instead of cancelling your event? Here’s 5 key benefits to going virtual with Conference Care: –


Interested to learn more and see how we can support your meetings programme? Please contact